72 Market Street Restaurant
Venice, CA
This restaurant was a hybrid of a sidewalk café, an oyster bar and a fine restaurant, each with its own distinctive character and tempo.
The restaurant was divided into 3 parts. At the street was a café, an oyster bar was used for shorter duration meetings and smaller meals, and in the middle was a formal space for “Slow dining.” The rear section was kitchen and “Back of house.”
A new piece of construction within a historic building on a small street with a rich architectural heritage in Venice, the building was part of the original colonnaded texture of Downtown Venice.
The primary objective was to create a place for the local community of artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers and neighborhood residents to hang out and eat great American food.
Built into the architecture were significant art installations by Robert Graham and De Wain Valentine, two local residents. There was a state of the art recording sound system used for recording late night by singer musicians who were friends with the owner.
SIZE : 5,000 SF